Our key Features
A safe space and healthy environment for art and self-development.
Our Mission
DAI looking towards an inclusive theatre where everyone is invited to participate regardless of ability while ensuring that everyone feels supported and welcome to participate in the performing arts.
Our Goals
DAI Performing Arts & Inclusive Theatre is a team of people with special abilities whose artwork aims to deliver many spiritual and awareness messages to society.
Our History
We started in the last quarter of 2022 and our strategy is to launch two projects annually in writing and theater acting, and by 2025 we are looking forward to starting music and sound engineering workshops in addition to scenography workshops to form a multi-capacity and multi-talented theater school that values diversity and difference.
Annually Project
We graduate an annual batch in the field of arts in the writing and theatrical acting tracks
Everyone is equal
We work diligently to spread the culture of inclusive work and appreciate the individual differences of each person, which helps in self-development and accelerates the completion of tasks with innovation, then everyone becomes equal.
Ahmed Semary
Our Team
Ahmed Semary
GM Founder
Fatma Al Asklany
Marketing & PR
Salma Mohamed
Art Consultant
Mohamed Nour
Art Director
III Batch Opening Now
Reserve your place in the third batch of DAI Performing Arts & Inclusive Theater